Monday, June 14, 2010

Well less than 12 hours to go...

Well the last few day deffinitly have been an adventure... First off Carl got into town safely which is great! But on Sunday morning when Ben went to get the moving truck the place where they told us to pick it up was closed! we were lost like what were we supposed to do now. after waiting an hour and no one showing up when they said they were supposed to be open Ben called someone and got locked inside the gate. I could hear the frustration in his voice and just thought to myself what am i going to do. finally 2 hours later the company called us and got us a newer truck and a discount so that was nice of Penski. We packed up the entire apt and sunday night my mom had a going away party for us it was so nice, but then monday morning we woke up and Bens truck was gone i mean GONE. of course i think it was stolen but it turns out that my moms HOA (sweetwater heights) towed it and it was $170 to get it out! I was soooo mad! needless to say we r still headed out tomm at 0400 and the HOA will get a nice letter form ME!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Well work went well last night steady but calm. Got off at 7am came home did dishes and vaccumed and then we were off to get my oil changed in my car. I wanted to make sure my care made it accross the country LOL. Ben then took me to get my hair cut and waited around till my car was finished. well turnes out my care took longer than expected and it was time for lunch with the girls. So Ben being the nice guy that he is took me to meet with them and right as we got to lunch the car was finised go figure... So Ben turned around and picked up my car. Finally after lunch we were able to rest before we had to meet my mom to go see my dad. needless to say its 7:45pm and Ben and I r just getting home. our little puppie was so happy to see us he has been running around in circles like a wild horse its crazy! things r starting to come together and i have a lot of help around the house and packing. We r going to be ok :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

2 days left of work

Well we packed 3 boxes today its not much but its a start cuz i finally talked Ben into doing something... Ive been feeling very frustrated lately esp today theres so much to do and get done. Ahh seems like this will never end. Well good news i won a free honeymoon at the bridal show and yesterday we went to claim it and little did we know we would have to listen to a speech on cookwear. this cookwear was $4000 i cant figure out what newlywed couple can afford that but who am i. And that was the cheep set. Anyway work tonight and then only one more shift it feels so weird but good to be done... the money thing is a scary thought for me but i know we will make it through together.

Monday, June 7, 2010

8 days and counting...

Well there is only 8 days left till we leave to move to maine and there is still no boxes packed... good news Carl comes on the 9th just like 1 and a half days away. not much to upday i made brownies today and they are awsome!!!!! planning on making bannana bread tomm and then working. been really busy but still seem to be getting by.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Its been a crazy last couple of days which still included no packing but lots of going away parties full of tears. Its hard to say goodbye to someone when you dont know when you will see them again. I deffinitly learned that the hard way on friday and saturday... i know i will see everyone again soon but when i dont know for sure. Its very bitter sweet sometimes and feels like someone is taking a good friend away from you. The move is starting to sink in with me when i day goodbye. Its getting nerve racking, but i am excited to get there and look at houses!! I'm so glad Ben is out of the military that means I wont have to c him deploy, i cant imagine how that feels and i dont want to.
Went to the bridal show today it was a blast, lost of venders and way to much information to handle but it was fun being a bride lol. The last couple of days have been exhasting and not much sleep but we will catch up soon i hope...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Going away party

Last night my friends at work threw me a going away party! i was so thankful and felt very loved! needless to say it was a fun long night. Today we have a going away party for a good friend going to Korea here soon, its sad to say goodbye to him but he knows hes always in our prayers! I respect the girls and guys who have significant others in the military thats a hard job when they get deployed! Lunch with Cassandra today she is headed to Wisconsin on monday. I know im going to see everyone again so i dont look at it as im loosing good friends just looking into new opportunities in life.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Feeling the pressure

Who knew that working all night and sleeping all day would give me something to write about. Well, correction i did not sleep all day, i slept till 12 then got up and hung out with Ben. I think the reality of moving is starting to sink into peoples minds because all of a sudden everyone wants to hang out with me and go to lunch. Im starting to feel the pressure of pleasing everyone and its hard to get this done in the short 2 weeks I have left here! There deffinitly are alot of people i want to c! but i dont think people think im coming back when i move, but im deffinitly planning on visiting my family and friends!!
Ben and i stil have not starting packing up the apt but i am determained to start... i also am trusting him that it will all get done but its very difficult and im deffinitly stressing. Things will fall into place they always do thats y i dont know why im stressing... but thats who i am!